There are a variety of fees and expenses you will need to budget and save up for when planning your VA home loan. Those fees include appraisals, pest inspection fees, flood zone determination fees (where they apply), the VA loan…
VA Clarifies Position On Non-Borrower Signatures On Title Documents
by Joe Wallace • • 0 Comments
There are many situations where a veteran or currently serving military member could need to purchase a home without wanting to obligate a legally married spouse. Earlier this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a Circular to clarify its…
What is the difference between a pre-qualification and a pre-approval?
by Jeff Guthrie • • 7 Comments
The difference between a pre –qualification and pre-approval is the documentation provided to the lender. A pre-qualification, simply means, the information provided from a borrower has not been verified. Meaning, the basic income, asset, and debts have only been discussed…